Leading SF Novelist Gary Gibson Joins JJLA

SF novelist Gary Gibson has joined the John Jarrold Literary Agency.  He is the author of eight highly regarded novels, including the Shoal Sequence the Final Days novels and most recently MARAUDER.  All of his books are published by Tor UK and he has also been published in Germany, Spain and Russia.  He lives in Glasgow, but will soon be moving to Taiwan.

“I’ve known Gary since the publication of his first novel, ANGEL STATIONS, and it was immediately  clear that he was a major author – as well as a good bloke,” said John Jarrold. “I have been a fan of SF since the 1960s, and I am absolutely delighted to welcome him to the agency.  He’s one of the brightest stars in the 21st Century SF heaven.”

• January 17th, 2014 • Posted in News